National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) was first observed on June 27, 1995. This day was brought about to encourage people to get tested and get treatment.  HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system so that it eventually can’t fight disease and infection.  Getting tested is the only way to know whether you have HIV.  It’s important to know so that you can make healthy choices to prevent spreading the disease, maintain your best health, or possibly prevent getting it.  In 2016, 39,782 people received an HIV diagnosis.

The theme for this year is “Doing It My Way, Testing for HIV”.  It’s an interesting theme to contemplate.  So often in life “doing it my way” doesn’t lead to the outcomes we really need (or even want).  Whether you agree or disagree about slogans, HIV is a serious medical issue and everyone at risk should be tested so that they can get the best help and treatment available.  If you are unsure whether you are at risk, text us.  We can help you determine whether you should be tested.  We offer free STD testing which includes HIV.  Our medical staff is caring and compassionate and here to address your concerns and give you help and hope.  All services are confidential and free. Contact us for an appointment.