Abortion, Parent, or Adoption:  How do I make the choice?

When faced with an unanticipated pregnancy, no option is easy.  After all, it was not part of your plan to be pregnant.  However, it is important to be as clear-minded as possible since this will be one of the biggest decisions you ever make.  There are many factors that will play into your decision. First

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National HIV Testing Day

National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) was first observed on June 27, 1995. This day was brought about to encourage people to get tested and get treatment.  HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system so that it eventually can’t fight disease and infection.  Getting tested is the only way to know whether you

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How far along am I?

When a woman faces a pregnancy, planned or unplanned, the first natural question is typically, “How far along am I?”  With a pregnancy that is planned and welcomed, knowing how far along allows the woman (and man) to anticipate various milestones in the baby’s development and schedule appropriate appointments. When the pregnancy is unplanned, knowing

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I’ve taken home pregnancy tests, but can you run one for me?

Yes.  In fact, most of our clients have taken one, two…or ten 🙂 home pregnancy tests prior to their visit with us.  There is nothing wrong with wanting a Women’s Clinics Maryland to run a test for you.  When facing an unplanned pregnancy, it is natural to feel panic and fear.  Both feelings can cause

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If you want an abortion, can you answer these three questions?

1. Are you pregnant? A missed period often causes a woman to think she may be pregnant. However, there can be other reasons for a missed period. Have a test done and get the results confirmed before you make an abortion decision. At the Women’s Clinics Maryland our tests are laboratory grade urine tests and

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I’m Pregnant! Now What?

When a women discovers she is pregnant, her life will never be the same, no matter what choice she makes about her pregnancy. It is wise to take some time to process the initial shock. Take a deep breath, take a moment to think about your next steps. The direction you decide upon might be

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Is getting an ultrasound or sonogram really necessary?

After discovering that they are pregnant, many women are uncertain of the next step to take in their pregnancy. Often having an ultrasound (sonogram) is the last thing on a woman’s mind; however, a viability ultrasound can provide crucial information before deciding on a pregnancy plan. The Women’s Clinics Maryland provides limited free viability ultrasounds

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Do I just make an appointment to get an abortion?

You’ve decided to get an abortion.  What’s next?  The steps leading up to making a decision to abort are important parts of the decision making process.  Many times, the decision making process is cut short and the abortion happens without ever knowing if it was even necessary.  Here are some important steps to take prior

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Can I get an abortion without anyone knowing?

In Maryland, if you are a minor, one parent/legal guardian needs to be notified about your procedure. (For more information on notification laws for minors you can refer to our other posts about Parental Notification). However, regardless of your age, you may need to have someone to transport you to the abortion clinic. This is,

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